Labels:text | screenshot | letter | paper | paper product | document | yellow OCR: RGB to CMYK: help along the way Color management is the ability to accurately predict and control color while on this device-to-device digital journey. It isn't an arcane science. Honest. But anyone who's dabbled in it knows that it isn't exactly child's play either. And that's why we've created the PhotoDisc ColorGuide* - to provide you with a solid introduction to color manage- ment and some professional advice and tools to help you establish a reliable CMS. Color management isn't an exact science either. High-tech advances continue to shift PhotoDisc Color Hotline more color and production control away from service providers and into your hands. Your questions about achieving good color results with PhotoDisc images can be directed Along with this additional control, though, comes more responsibility. Hence you need to the PhotoDisc Color Hotline at 1 800 758 3188, weekdays from 7am to 4pm PST, or by to become more of a color expert. PhotoDisc is here to help you do that. This ColorGuide email to will help you solve many of the problems you'll run across on the path from RGB (the color space of your monitor) to CMYK (the color space of a four-color press) or other color spaces. With it you can achieve more reliable color results. But bear in mind it's not a panacea, and you may still have questions about color that this booklet doesn't answer. If you do, don't panic or give up on getting that color right, because PhotoDisc has estab- lished a color hotline to answer those questions. The ColorGuide's tools and information have been created in accord with US and Canadian printing specifications. Please check with your local printing specialist for information tailored to your specific printing conditions. 4 5